A Slow Death
Bug-Lovers Beware!
Last night, I was sitting quietly in my newly mopped living room, enjoying a peaceful night. I was home alone, with Justin still at work and the charger for my dead cell phone finally actually broken. SeaQuest DSV was on Netflix, and I was having a jolly old time.
Noam Chomsky, our cat, is my first line of defense against all things creepy-crawly. She's very inquisitive and will chase after anything that moves, so she always gets to the bugs that find their way into the house before I notice them, thus allowing me to kill or rescue them as I see fit.
So I'm sitting on the couch, watching SeaQuest, and I suddenly hear a loud, sharp-edged, dangerous sounding BUZZZZZZZZZZ. I look up, and Chomsky is pawing at something in the window. I leap up, swoop her out of the way, and slam it shut. Then, for good measure, I remove the fan from the OTHER window (next to, but not connected to the one with the scary bug sound) and slam it shut too.
I then proceed to walk around the apartment, near tears, saying "What the f*** was that?" over and over to the pets. Eddie, obviously, has no idea. Chomsky is back at the window, trying to reach her prey.
I get out a flashlight and examine what turns out to be AN ALIEN.
Well, it looked like an alien, to freaked out me. All I could see in the crack of the window frame, amongst lots of past years' fall leaves and random dusty particles, is one giant wing and what looks like a mossy green and brown thumb, with huge buggy eyes glued to the front of it.
More freaking out ensued. I opened a bottle of wine and gulped down a glass, then visited "what's that bug?" my favorite site for looking at bugs. Turns out, a harmless (albeit freaky-looking) cicada is the alien in my window.
Well, that was last night, and its still there. It can't figure out how to get out of the window (there is definitely space), and its crawling around in there. Chomsky is watching it like a toddler in front of a television, and I'm trying not to feel guilty for my criminal negligence contributing to the death of this harmless but frightening bug.
Last night, I was sitting quietly in my newly mopped living room, enjoying a peaceful night. I was home alone, with Justin still at work and the charger for my dead cell phone finally actually broken. SeaQuest DSV was on Netflix, and I was having a jolly old time.
Noam Chomsky, our cat, is my first line of defense against all things creepy-crawly. She's very inquisitive and will chase after anything that moves, so she always gets to the bugs that find their way into the house before I notice them, thus allowing me to kill or rescue them as I see fit.
So I'm sitting on the couch, watching SeaQuest, and I suddenly hear a loud, sharp-edged, dangerous sounding BUZZZZZZZZZZ. I look up, and Chomsky is pawing at something in the window. I leap up, swoop her out of the way, and slam it shut. Then, for good measure, I remove the fan from the OTHER window (next to, but not connected to the one with the scary bug sound) and slam it shut too.
I then proceed to walk around the apartment, near tears, saying "What the f*** was that?" over and over to the pets. Eddie, obviously, has no idea. Chomsky is back at the window, trying to reach her prey.
I get out a flashlight and examine what turns out to be AN ALIEN.
Well, it looked like an alien, to freaked out me. All I could see in the crack of the window frame, amongst lots of past years' fall leaves and random dusty particles, is one giant wing and what looks like a mossy green and brown thumb, with huge buggy eyes glued to the front of it.
More freaking out ensued. I opened a bottle of wine and gulped down a glass, then visited "what's that bug?" my favorite site for looking at bugs. Turns out, a harmless (albeit freaky-looking) cicada is the alien in my window.
Well, that was last night, and its still there. It can't figure out how to get out of the window (there is definitely space), and its crawling around in there. Chomsky is watching it like a toddler in front of a television, and I'm trying not to feel guilty for my criminal negligence contributing to the death of this harmless but frightening bug.