A Beautiful Sunset

Oh, life.

Sometimes, that's all I can think to say. I try desperately to remember the thoughts I deem eloquent enough to make the cut for blogging, but inevitably forget them and just write about whatever. This is one of those days.

1. We were driving home from...somewhere the other day, cruising down the Shoreway, and were privileged with the most beautiful kind of sunset Cleveland has to offer. You couldn't see the sun, just the golden explosion from behind a tiny cloud. The sky was pink and blue everywhere, all at the same time. Sailboats were out in full force; in some ways it looked like a picture of the ocean you would see in some rich mariner's beach house. If made resolutions (which I don't, because they always, definitely turn into broken resolutions), I would resolve to go to the beach and the forest more. I haven't gone much to those places recently, but they are some of the spots in this city that I love the most. Something about nature. Gets me every time.

2. The cat isn't in heat anymore, I think. It only lasted about a half hour. Apparently she's not the most libidinous cat out there.

3. We quit smoking about two weeks ago, maybe a bit more. It was easier than I thought, most of the difficulty was in deciding. We both think we've been acting normal, but think the other one has been acting weird. It's caused some tension- it's hard to quit. But overall it's been fine. It has also caused me to gain about five pounds, because I don't have a job either so all I do is sit around the apartment, munching and watching Netflix.

4. We're getting married. Congratulations, Jess and Justin! Not until June 09, but it'll be fun. You should come. Well, maybe. You could be anyone and we can't afford to invite everybody. You can submit your applications for attendance to my "Comments" section, and I will evaluate them and get back to you with my decision.

Have a lovely weekend!


Gina Ventre said…
i haven't read your blog in a while because of slavish summer teaching but CONGRATS!!!!!!!!

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